Monday, July 25, 2011

The next few days in the Galilee

 We started off the day with a  field trip to Tel Dan, which was actually a beautiful tel (I know that sounds like an oxymoron). But it is a a nature reserve so it was a gorgeous hike. You may recognize the name from the saying "from Dan to Beersheba" Well this is the Dan from the scriptures.

 There is a man named Dan in my group so he was the star of the day. In this picture everyone is worshiping his "golden calf." The reason why we are doing this is because this is the exact location of where the Sins of Jeroboam started!  Crazy that they have pinpointed the altar for the beginning of idol worshipping
Tel Dan is also on the border so it was temporarily turned into a war zone so this is was a bunker and we are doing our Charlie's angels poses.

 This is a castle that we stormed. It has no biblical reference but this was the coolest castle that I have ever been to! I loved and there was so many things to explore, that is why I love things like this in foreign countries because there are no boundaries or no off-limits. We could go to through all the underground tunnels, cisterns, and just never stop exploring.

Large water cistern

The next stop was at Chorazin which was one of the three main preaching cities of Christ. There was a large synagogue, a classic four room house, and they found the seat of Moses here. 
This picture is an example of a "mote and beam" in our eyes.

This is for you kat :)
I am not sure if any of you have seen this but it is considered as the Mona Lisa of the Middle East. It is a beautiful mosaic of an unknown woman. 

The next day we drove up along the coast and we hit a few sites like Ceaseria and Acre. 
Acre was a very large crusader city, in this picture our teachers had a sword fight. Got to love them. Muhlestein beat Judd

 We were able to make a quick pit stop at an overlook and also go to the beach. So these are just a few pictures from that.

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