Saturday, August 6, 2011


 Two nights ago I went to see Harry Potter! AHHH I was so excited to go, I had my final the next morning and Harry Potter was higher on my priority list. No worries, I still did good on my final. The movie was amazing but the movie theater was a little weak. The screen looked like a home theater. As you can see Adam next to the screen and he was almost as tall. As for my movie review: better than I thought and life changing.
 So as we were walking out of the theater we realized that we were on lock down and not allowed to leave the movie theater. If you look closely at the picture there is a backpack outside of the door. In Israel if there is any unattended bag they will call in the bomb squad to examine it. This bag was left there so we got to witness the bomb squad work their magic. Everyone was so nonchalant about this because it is such a normal occurrence. Then it hit us that if this happened in the US that it would be such a big deal and make national news. But here it is just another day in Israel.
Scott outside of the theater pointing out the evidence of the backpack.
 This is what we were doing instead of studying. Typical night at the JC
 This morning before church I went to the Garden tomb and snapped these photos.
I have began my last week as a JC student and it is harder than I expected. I am going to miss this place and these people. Luckily I still have a week with my parents and Amy and Jared. They arrived safely in Israel this past week! They are up north in the Galilee and they are loving it :) I can't wait to see them. Shabbat Shalom.

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