Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For your enjoyment.....

Al Aqsda mosque which is right next to the Dome of the Rock
A group of us in front of the Dome of the Rock :)

A traditional orthodox Jewish man


  1. awesome!
    pic 1.) i feel like if i were reading a book, i would not want to face a wall. but... to each man his own.
    pic 2.)you're lookin' good!
    pic 3.) did you take this picture? it's really good (possible photo contest winner? rob will be jealous). but it's so closer up, so im like wondering if you asked him if you could take his picture, or if somehow you just snapped a really good picture without him knowing.

  2. I think that picture number 3 is a real contender for the 2012 Nice Jewish Men Calendar!!
