Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Noises that keep me up at Night

Last night was a very long night for me and everyone else at the Jerusalem Center. We were awaken multiple times by the smoke bombs and gunshots that were going off outside the center yesterday. No worries mom, I am safe but right now the Palestinians are protesting the Independence of Israel, they have their own memorial day that occurs tomorrow. Yesterday the Israeli soldiers blocked off the old city to Arabic males between the age 18-40 for security purposes. Since they bring in the Sabbath on Friday night they were afraid of further demonstrations at the Prayer site (ie Dome of the Rock). We were not allowed to go out of the center yesterday but if we stood on our balcony we could see some of the action. There were a bunch of teenage kids that were throwing smoke bombs and I am not sure who they were throwing at or who was throwing them back  (I am guessing it was Israeli soldiers) but they were constantly firing smoke bombs at one another.  Everyone in the area that we live in were out on their roofs also watching it. They teenagers were also hiding and then throwing stones at the soldiers. (let me tell you, they love throwing stones and we are usually the target but luckily we were inside) There was one Muslim teenager that passed away yesterday during the firing. It was a bummer to stay inside but I caught up on a lot of homework and we watched the 10 Commandments movie last night. The demonstrations are supposed to last until Sunday so we are cooped up today and we leave for Turkey tomorrow. When I went to sleep last night the rioting was still going on but for some reason I was not scared at all. The security here is great and the Jerusalem Center is neutral so they will not attack us. Another thing that woke me up was the prayer call.  Every morning at 4:30 there is a call to prayer and we are located right next to a mosque so it is very loud at 4:30, I have adapted to this Call to Prayer but last night it woke me up. I guess it is a good thing we stay in today so I can take a nice long nap :)
Two days ago we went to the Tomb of the Kings, it is this small cave that you have to crawl into via hands and knees. Then it opens into a large room with small tombs around the sides. There are about 4-5 rooms that you crawl into or slide down to. Since it is underground it is pitch black but we luckily brought flashlights to light our way.
Tomorrow I leave for Turkey and I am so excited! Later I will post my schedule and updates about the trip. I will not have any internet access so I will not be able to blog. I know this may be devastating news to a lot of you (all 5 of you) because I know you all religiously follow my blog but I am sorry and I will make up for it by posting more pictures.  Try to survive without any posts.

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