Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy 8th of July!

Happy Eighth of July! 
 Tonight we celebrated the fourth of July just a few days late...
But we got to enjoy some American food which almost brought me to tears because I have missed it.

 mmm.... the first hamburger in 3 years! loved every bite.

 After dinner we spent the night doing fun games, above is a few friends (not sure what they are doing) but it was a constant party. Listened to good classic music that got us all into the spirit and brought us back to our good ole' American rowdiness! Dance party
 3-legged races! Jess and I dominated the first race but our reigning championship failed when we tumbled to the ground

 Sunset Photo
No Lindsey is not Pregnant just a bad photo, I didn't notice until right now
 Face Paint
If you couldn't tell from the first pic but Linds and i got face paint that says I love USA and we each have half of the heart. sups cute
We were all in need of some American spirit, it is hard to miss the fourth of July but tonight was one of the greatest celebrations that I have ever had on an Eighth of July! 
I am so thankful for the country that I do live in and the freedoms that we have! Being here we are constantly surrounded by wars and fighting. There are tons of people that are denied rights and it saddens me that there are still people in the World who are void of basic rights. I just know that I am that much more thankful for America.

1 comment:


    And just so you know, I did a "cute scrunch" after writing it.
